Sabtu, 07 Oktober 2017


“Never in my life do I wanna fall in love with someone when I’m at my worst or when I’m having a hard time. I want to fall in love with someone when I am at my best. When everything else is sorted and beautiful, when I’m happy in my own skin, when I have a stable job, when I’m in love with myself. I never want to fall in love with someone when I’m broken and full of despair, or when the pain is filled up to the brim. I don’t want to fall in love with someone when my feet aren’t stable or my shoulders aren’t capable. I want to look at someone, on a random street and feel the connection. The spark that strikes your heart and you fall in love with the way they are. I want to be able to love someone or find someone to do so when my life is settled and balanced. When I’m successful and when I’m not drowning in agony. I want my love to be real and pure and not just an escape from my loneliness, and definitely not a remedy to my pain. I want to fall in love with someone because of what they are and not because of what I am not.”

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