Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010

NASA Discover 'Alien Planet' Earth twins?

Kepler observatory found a planetary system like our solar system that is named, Kepler 9.

Friday, August 27, 2010, 11:47 AM Elin Yunita Kristanti

Picture of two of Saturn-sized planet orbiting a star (NASA
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VIVAnews - United States space agency (NASA) announced the new findings generated Kepler satellite, Thursday, August 26, 2010.
Kepler found a group of alien planets, planets that were never before seen it around a star - like planets in the solar system circling the sun. The findings were called Kepler system 9.

Observations of Kepler observatory confirms two Saturn-sized planet orbiting a star - in a distance of about 2300 light years from Earth. They also reveal the candidate planet that may be the same size as Earth in the same system.

Why are the candidates? Since its existence has not been confirmed.

Until now, astronomers have not confirmed whether there is a potential planet like the Earth - in the sense that you could sustain life. However, initial analysis says, the planet has 1.5 times Earth's radius.
Continued observations of planetary systems will help answer the question is there life beyond Earth.
"We hope that within a few days or weeks, we can verify it," said William Borucki, principal investigator at Keppler

NASA's Ames Research Center, such as pages loaded Space, August 26, 2010.

For the first time, the analysis of Kepler's observations are also combined with the time of transit and radial velocity observations to estimate the mass of alien planets. Two of the largest planet in this system, called Kepler 9b and 9c Kepler - were found to have almost the same diameter. Both have a mass and density as Saturn.

However, the two planets are too close to the star - much like the sun, like Mercury, which orbits the Sun. Two planets that allegedly have no life because it is very hot. Kepler planet is a planet into two groups announced this week. Previously, an astronomer at the European Space Agency (ESO) announced the discovery of 'solar system' consisting of seven planets, a distance of 127 light years from Earth.

Earth's twin?

The astronauts have yet to find planets similar to Earth than Kepler observatory.

If the existence of a third planet like the Earth has been no confirmation, that the planet could be a 'smallest planet' known. "We can say, in terms of physical size, this will be the smallest, but we do not know its mass," says Matthew Holman, staff director of the division of the theory of astrophysics at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center, which confirmed the findings Kepper.

Keppler revealed, this third planet has a radius of 11.5 times the Earth and have orbital periods of about 1.6 days on Earth - shorter than the Kepler-9b and 9c.
The investigators are examining whether the candidates 'twins Earth' orbiting a star similar to two other planets.
"One message from this work is that Kepler made progress toward the goal to find a planetary system like our solar system."
But in terms of eligibility for habitation, Kepler-9 system is probably not the right place to look for life.

"The planets are as unfit for human habitation," said Holman. Estimated temperature of the two largest planets is very high, around 740 degrees Kelvin (872 degrees Fahrenheit) and 540 degrees Kelvin (512 derajatFahrenheit).

"Temperatures were well above the boiling point of water, then allegedly was not a planet uninhabited. (Hs)

Source : http://dunia.vivanews.com/news/read/173730-nasa-temukan--planet-alien---kembaran-bumi

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